Why ChristI Tasker for State committeewoman

Your Elected State Committeewoman is your voice for the Republican Party of Miami Dade County. Christi Reeves-Tasker is the only woman in the RINOs block from entering meetings. The other two candidates are in the race to maintain power and divide the vote for the Bush crime family.

trusted advocate

Christi is a wife, mom, and abuela of eight grandchildren. As a trusted business advisor, and good listener Tasker is dedicated to success. With her “everything starts at the top” attitude, Tasker will lead Republicans of the Miami-Dade Republican Party to successfully get local qualified candidates elected. 

Christi Tasker is dedicated and knowledgeable. Best yet, she has the energy, dedication, and knowledge to resolve the issues and immediately get the Republican Party back on track, getting local Republicans elected.  Christi prioritizes Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL AMERICANS.

Christi's Crew


the republican party is a private club controlled by RINOS

Miami-Dade Republicans are fed up with the establishment controlling the party to further control which Republicans appear on the ballot on election day. Christi-Reeves Tasker is a proven leader with actionable steps to bring the Republicans of Miami-Dade leadership to support candidates who hold Republican values vs. candidates who are simply registered as Republicans supporting Democrats. We must prevent  RINOs like Alex Diaz de la Portilla's clan from regaining control by electing new leadership who can introduce: 



New Ideas, Energy & Expertise

Christi will use her marketing, communications and business consulting expertise to introduce new concepts and ideas to grow the Republican Party.

Support Miami Conservative Republicans

Making change in government starts with supporting Republican candidates. Christi is a well spoken Republican advocate.

Uphold The U.S. & Florida Constitution

Christi comes from generations of lifelong American constitutionalists. She works to protect civil rights for all Americans.

Register Republican Voters

Believe it or not, Miami Republicans fail to hold voter drives, therefore democrats win without any citizen engagement

Professional Citizens From All Walks of Life

Meet The Team

From Cuban American attorneys and former weathermen, 

Christi has a team of Miamians with a shared passion

for doing what's right for people. 


Kevin Trainor

Policy Advisor


Eduaro Vidal

General Counsel

Campaign is power


Total Volunteer




Vote Papers


Coverage Area

mission & vision

Christi Tasker's Concerns For Miami

Priorities & Solutions

When we put people over politics Miami citizens win.

About Christi Tasker For Miami State Committeewoman State Committeewoman,Miami State Committeewoman

Homeless Investigation Into NGOs Receiving Tax Payer Fund$

About Christi Tasker For Miami State Committeewoman State Committeewoman,Miami State Committeewoman

Trollies, Parking, Transportation, Traffic Review

About Christi Tasker For Miami State Committeewoman State Committeewoman,Miami State Committeewoman

Police Force Criminal Investigation Oversight & Review