Are Alex Diaz de la Portilla & Joe Carollo Guilty of Gerrymandering City Maps?

Did Alex Diaz de la Portilla Collude To Gerrymander Miami City District Maps?

The Gerrymandered map investigation examines whether the City of Miami and possibly Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla engaged in gerrymandering practices when redrawing the city maps of Miami.



What is gerrymandering?

The analysis aimed to determine if the district boundaries were manipulated to favor a particular political party or group, potentially undermining fair representation. The findings should shed light on the integrity of the redistricting process and its implications for democratic governance in Miami.

Actions in redrawing the city maps should be driven by non-partisan motives to create a fair and equitable representation of Miami’s population.

Instead, Alex Diaz de la Portilla deliberately cut his opponent out of the District he had lived in for decades. Furthermore, the new district maps conveniently encompass Joe Carollo’s home into his current district when in actuality. The home is in District 2, where he knows he cannot win.


City of Miami Sued & Accused of Gerrymandering Maps Case At Supreme Court:

Title: GRACE, Inc., et al., Applicants
City of Miami, Florida
Docketed: August 9, 2023
Lower Ct: United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
   Case Numbers: (23-12472)

Click here to see Grace, Inc v. City of Miami. Florida Supreme Court Case Docket


Christi’s Take

Based on the visual appearance of the maps and the data, it is clear the City of Miami Commissioners were more concerned about keeping specific developments, projects, and businesses in their districts than they were about keeping communities together.

I also believe Alex Diaz de la Portilla should be investigated by the Republican Party GOP for abuse of his power if he influenced the Brief amicus curiae filed by The National Republican Redistricting Trust. 

At the same time, I was disappointed that Justice Clarence Thomas did not provide a brief when he pushed the Supreme Court case back down to the 11th Circuit Court. However, after reading the Constitution and other case law, it is clear that the Judge in the 11th Circuit should be able to rule per the Constitution and other case law.

I was also very disappointed that Chairwoman Christine King and Commissioner Reyes would not clarify why they would not side with reason. All she could speak about was developments, and she kept referring to Alex Diaz de la Portilla for direction anyone could see.


My Advice To the Miami City Commission Accusual of Gerrymandered Maps

The City of Miami was sued by Grace Inc., a corporation created by several citizens and organizations, including ACLU, Engage Miami, and (BHA) Brickell Home Owners Association.

The City Commission, under Chairman Christine King’s leadership, began redrawing districts and was sued based on gerrymandering the district maps. While incumbent in my race, Sabina Covo was the only one to speak out against them; she also knew the Commission already had the vote to swing Alex Diaz de la Portilla’s way. Covo and King act as Manchurian candidates for Alex Diaz de la Portilla. Remember, Alex is NOT conservative at all, and he holds no punches.

I spoke directly to Alex Diaz de la Portilla and the entire commission in a city meeting regarding his and the Commission’s gerrymandering. Click the video arrow below to hear my request.: 

What happened because of my speaking out against Alex Diaz de la Portia’s gerrymandered maps?

Around the time of this speech and standing with the ACLU, The Republican Executive Committee mob mom Maria Wadsworth blocked me from signing in to the REC meeting and began shouting, “Get Kevin Cooper! Get Kevin! He told us to get him when ‘she’ comes in!”  Kevin Cooper is the Vice Chair of the REC and works as an attorney for developer Lennar Corporation. See Lennar Homeowner complaints

The REC attorney from the State could not provide simple definitions, and I was met at the registration desk of the Republican Executive Committee with the state-level REC attorney telling me I was not allowed into the Republican Executive Committee.

See the full story >>> Alex Diaz De la Portilla’s Republican Executive Committee Banned Christi Tasker.


Thank you for voting for me, Christi Tasker, for District 2 Miami Commissioner. If you’re in District 1, please vote for Miguel Angel Gabriel. Together with Manolo Reyes, we will de-throne Joe Carollo and Commissioner King if she chooses to continue to work for Alex.

I look forward to serving as your nicest, most transparent Commissioner in Miami’s history.

Together – we can stop the Government Gangsters,


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 Are Alex Diaz De La Portilla &Amp; Joe Carollo Guilty Of Gerrymandering City Maps? Miami Corruption Arrests Gerrymandering,Alex Diaz

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Are Alex Diaz De La Portilla &Amp; Joe Carollo Guilty Of Gerrymandering City Maps? Miami Corruption Arrests Gerrymandering,Alex Diaz


Are Alex Diaz De La Portilla &Amp; Joe Carollo Guilty Of Gerrymandering City Maps? Miami Corruption Arrests Gerrymandering,Alex Diaz

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