Truth About Sabina Covo & Other City of Miami District 2 Candidates Running for Miami City Commission

Hello to 5% of the Voters who voted for me, Christi Tasker as your District 2 commissioner.

I realize voters are often misinformed before election day and this time by a run-off with two democrat candidates backed by politicians on both sides of the aisle, other voters will wish they had joined you all in voting for me. By design, some and most politicians make it very difficult to see connections so I’m laying out what I know here for you.

Then I noticed, other candidates were reading talking points as if they didn’t know what his puppet masters wanted them to say. So, I started investigating and researching each of them. Here’s a summary of what I’ve found. Click to go to each of their pages to learn more.

  1. Sabina Covo doesn’t tell you her FULL real name.
  2. Sabina Covo does not own property in Miami or anywhere else that I can find.
  3. Sabina Covo received $675,000 in funds and most of the funders align with Alex Diaz de la Portilla.
  4. Sabina Covo does not fight corruption, she runs with the corrupt. Matter of fact, she refuses to even broadcast or publically share stories on corruption.
  5. Covo has voted with ADLP and Joe Carollo 90% of the time. Covo cannot say the pledge of allegiance. Matter of fact, she refuses to even broadcast or publically share stories on corruption.
  6. Like Mayor Francis Suarez, Covo works directly for developers, marketing for them in her personal business.
  7. Sabina also claims to live in District 2 in a 900-square-foot townhouse with three children, three other adults, and two animals. I live in 804 square feet with my husband and two 5-pound poodles, so I will tell you this is almost impossible.
  8. Covo’s campaign manager is Christian Ulvert who is the campaign manager that consultants with Alex Diaz de la Portilla. Ulvert is an LGBTQ advocate who is a lobbyist for Qatar, a country that murders the gays. Ulvert took ADLP, Cava, and Chairwoman Christine King-Covo is his third and last vote necessary to control Miami.
  9. Sabina Covo is friends with Eileen Higgins and Daniela Levine Cava yet constantly finger-points City vs. County for not being able to get things done.
  10. Eileen Higgins has taken her side. The double governance continues, as Higgins and her staff have carried Sabina’s campaign shirts around during the campaign so they could slip one on each time another candidate happened to show up for her. campaign for her.
  11. Covo is endorsed by SAVE PAC, an organization Damian Pardo is a part of. See more on the Pardo relationship on my other post regarding Damian Pardo. 
  12. Eddy Leal, the King of Condos and Mayor’s Office-appointed attorney has endorsed Covo. View my breakdown of Eddy Leal the Campaign
  13. In the February election, Sabina Covo was reading talking points off a piece of paper.  She didn’t know them. Much like Damian Pardo was also doing. Damian claims he wrote his own talking points.
  14. Neither Damian or Sabina had ever gone to speak out at a City Commission meeting prior to running for District 2 Commission.
  15. As of November 14, criminally charged James Torres is now endorsing Damian Pardo. James Torres was criminally charged with a very long wrap sheet both in Arizona and in Miami. He is the Bayfront Park collector for Sloppy Joe Carollo. He advocated for HOAs to give Bayfront Park Trust, run by Joe Carollo $39,000 each for “Park Security” because “Park Security” is ONE of the few things HOAs can pay for. Torres is also friends with the Alex Diaz de la Portilla Republicans. He tries to pretend to be Republican, but he’s not a registered Republican according to investigators.

Tasker was also present at City Hall requesting for Joe’s resignation to his face:

In order to see connections, I always start with the money. Then I see who is endorsing who along with the individual supporters. Most of the time, there is a reason higher-up politicians endorse an unknown politician. The purpose is for the lower-level politician to vote with the higher-up politician. At the end of the day, it’s all about votes, persuasion, and keeping secrets under wraps.

I’ll be listening to the November 17 debate between Sabina Covo and Damian Pardo, plus I’m inspecting the ballots, and election process used vs. what occurred in State Statues. Let’s say, there’s a lot to review.



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