Miami Homelessness Streets & Rumbling Through Neighborhood Trash | What Will Christi Tasker Do About The Homeless?

At the Brickell Homeowners Association August 2022 meeting, residents reported increasing trespassing and aggressive panhandling from homeless residents. Their meeting minutes reflect that the past commissioner who vacated the seat I’m running for stated he would advocate for this issue; however, the root issue has not been addressed.

A couple of years ago, during the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, both Miami-Dade county and the city left homeless people to fend for themselves all while homeless on the streets of Mary Brickell Village told me: 


I will advocate working with the Miami-Dade County Commissioners to find a permanent solution to help get our homeless the proper mental health treatment, drug treatment, and/or back to their home towns. In high school ran an entire project to help the homeless, and I rarely pass a homeless person by without stopping to talk to them. They all have issues and need a fresh start, mental health treatment, or a job.

In my opinion, and via conversations with the homeless people on our streets, containing them and alienating them on an island is not the solution. Many homeless people state that NGOs are taking their social security numbers and claiming they are “treating” them or residing there. If they check in to other places, they are told they’ve already checked in another NGO. 


Homelessness is not a crime, but aggressive panhandling can be reported. If you see an issue or if a homeless person needs help, please contact the police department to report it. 

Commander Ellington stated at Brickell Homeowners Assocation Meeting

Brickell Biscayne Homeowners Association Meeting Minutes

About 100 people sleep at Bayfront Park, and they will close at 9 AM, we can presume the homeless will venture toward our area. One problem is “solved” at Bayfront Park, but on the other end, a problem will be created because the unsheltered will enter a highly residential urban scape. 

  • Commander Ellington stated that homelessness is not a crime, but aggressive panhandling can be reported. If you see an issue or if a homeless person needs help, please contact the police department to report it. Commander Ellington and her team will offer services to the individual and do their best to help them. Individuals are allowed to decline services. 
  • Commander Ellington is coordinating with the Bayfront Park Trust to coordinate efforts and offer unsheltered residents services.
  • Commissioner Russell stated he would advocate on behalf of our community regarding the changes coming to Bayfront Park. He also stated we should attend the upcoming City of Miami Budget Hearings.

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