Russian Una Residences Project In Cahoots With Miami City Officials & Mayors Father, Past Commissioner Xavier Suarez Despite Aquifer Breach First Reported by Christi Tasker

After having multiple conversations with past Maimi Ken Russell, officers, commanders, and inspectors, they agreed the project needed a stop work at the Una Residences. The Una Residences project is by Russian Development Firm with headquarters in Miami. They’ve even been sued in Miami by Switzerland.
A stop work was issued for almost a week. The building department director called him “ACE” and came out to address the citizens in short, claiming this is not a big deal; this happens all the time; go back to your homes and know your government is taking care of it.
Citizens immediately asked to choose the inspectors – Ace said we could. That is UNTIL we found outsiders. They were not expecting us to get Mr. Sandy Nettles, the same guy working for the owners of Champlain Towers. The City wanted to “inspect” all aspects of surrounding properties which they did all but ours. We requested access for Mr. Nettles to the UNA property, considering UNA was the one who caused the damage. They refused and never returned or asked for access to our property again.
When they were given access to Brickell Townhomes, they shut down their amenities and fined the HOA! Read these articles by ABC Local 10 News:
3. Watch this video: Is an adjoining construction site making  Brickell condo unsafe?
The 145 SE 25th RD mentioned is the building Xavier Suarez lives in. I have been told he oversees the project as a consultant of OKO Group.
Ken Russell only held a town hall meeting AFTER the stop work was issued. With less than 24 hours notice (only 15 hours notice), violating Sunshine Laws, Ken held a meeting where he refused to answer questions from Board Presidents. They were silenced on chat asking questions and never received answers. All of the “experts” brought in by the City were NOT physical inspectors, and all had connections to the City from past projects.
Before the zoom town hall was over, the Russian developers were already back at work with an Emergency Order signed by the City Manager and advocated for by Ken Russell.
Then I spoke to the owner of Civic Construction, the company doing the work for OKO Group. He stated that what Ken said on air regarding the water breach was NOT true by his statement. I asked Ken to retract his statement and clarify it to the public, and he would not.
I’m glad Ken will be there – let’s see if he will give me an answer regarding this dilapidated sea wall directly next door to the Una project. Remember, he claims “all sea walls on the bayfront have been replaced.” Not true. this photo was taken later, and the big chunk is where someone actually fell into the bay because a chunk of the concrete was so weak.
You can see the cracks if you zoom in on the photo, along with trash in the bay, which frequently happens on all surrounding property thanks to the food trucks that sometimes stop by twice daily and feed workers.
Notice, too – the yellow construction buoy silt screen is the new seawall the City required UNA to put in; they could have easily made this wall an infrastructure stipulation IN THE BEGINNING. They claimed they’d do it in the end. Why wait? Why would you not have the seawall done at the same time as your own property seawall?
That’s because come to find out after much research and speaking to numerous police officers, the City does not really own this property; both our building and the UNA property do. Yet, the city has allowed UNA to overtake the property without so much as permission or a letter of notice to the Board of Directors that actually own half of the property:

We would think Ken didn’t know that. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt until a neighbor had recorded him stating he knew each building owned half.

I’m very sad to say, but these are government gangsters that we’re dealing with. They do not hold developers responsible for infrastructure requirements, we have no city masterplan and no forensic audits of budgets. And they constantly send in “their people” to run for office, and that’s if they don’t just install them.
Then, they also allow these foreign companies to falsely advertise that celebrities have purchased the buildings, which falsely increases property values and then rents. Show us the contract if it’s real. Or get a statement directly from the celebrities. I have connections with some celebrities through connections, who look like deer in headlights when asked about the “deal.”
At the beginning of my advocacy for my neighboring buildings, Ken told me he was running for Congress and that he would help me get elected as if the seat could be bought. I remember being shocked; I had never considered running for office at the time.
Ken knows who I am and runs from me. Be sure you have a backup moderator if he doesn’t show up or cancels on you last minute or, in general, quits when things don’t go his way. Don’t worry – I am very respectful to him and anyone else. I question them on their misrepresentation of facts, relationships, and connections, and I even allow them to state, “we aren’t sure.” OR “I was informed of X by X.” We cannot all be experts at everything, but we can be transparent about what we know and how we know it and cite information sources.
This issue with Ken Russell is one of many that I”m aware of – now that people throughout the district know who I am, they come up and tell me their issues. Let’s say there’s a lot of finger-pointing with the City and the County.
I plan to get Eileen Higgins and the other commissioners into the streets to clarify their responsibility and the cities throughout District 2. Feel free to join me if you’re interested. I’ll be posting the dates and meetings as EVENTs on my website. I’m working on getting them up now.
Got questions? I may have answers as this is one of many issues I’m aware of regarding the environment and District 2.

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