Miami Commission Is Directly Responsible For Defund The Police When They Fail To Fund Based on Living Wage Increase

Is the Miami Commission Participating In “Defund The Police”? 

Chief of Police Manny Morales, tells me (Christi Tasker) we are short-staffed over 80+ police officers. He has to review hundreds of applications with a 2% hire rate. Some of the police cars do NOT have cages in them or working technology.


Police Car Technology Does NOT Work & They Do NOT Have Cages Meaning They Cannot Safely Arrest Perpetrators.

The technology in cars has been replaced numerous times by various vendors, yet it still does NOT work!!!


Chief Morales & Team Forced To Review Hundreds of Bottom of the Barrel Applications, Officers CANNOT Afford To Live & Work In Our City

When Chief Morales does hire two for every hundred applications, the officers are often bottom-of-the-barrel, first-year officers. He tells me they leave for better pay. Plus, they don’t like to stay or be involved with our City’s corruption.


Officers Forced To Work as Off-Duty To Make Ends Meet

To make bare ends meet, our police officers must work extra hours as off-duty security. The City further takes a HUGE chunk cut of this pay. Citizens are often confused about why the off-duty officers using our city officers can’t help them.


Christi Tasker’s Solution To Officer Shortage

I (Christi Tasker) have run the numbers of salary increases vs. loss of time, training, and benefits. If we gave Chief Morales the 5% increase to match inflation, we could keep officers from leaving to go to other forces. And our Chief and his staff could focus on policing our streets instead of constantly churning and burning.

The city is losing an enormous amount of money in recruitment and training because they can’t keep officers long-term. Clearly, the City Management and Commission cannot calculate, nor are they listening to our Police Chief.


Miami Commission Partially Defunds The Police

The former police Art Acevedo Chief called and said the Cuban Mafia runs our government. Because they are not all Cubans, I must disagree, but I’m not the police chief either. Maybe Chief Acevedo knew more than I do. I reference Francis Suarez (led by his father and my neighbor Xavier Suarez), Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Joe Carollo both controlling Sabina Covo and Christine King as Government Gangsters or the Miami Corruption Crew

Why? Because they are bankrupting our city, more concerned with other countries or hidden agendas for their developer friends, and technically, they are DEFUNDING OUR POLICE IN PLAIN SIGHT. 

The City Commissioners openly weaponize the police we have on citizens or for their own security. Yes, that’s right! Our Ceremonial Mayor who has yet to attend a city meeting, ran for President to launder money and then used our police to play bodyguard for him.

Numbers don’t lie. Wake up, Miami.

The truth often hurts, but I am running to rid our city of corruption at the core. Officers tell me we’ll need to spit out the seeds. I’ll do my part. Will you do yours? Will you Vote for CHRISTI TASKER on November 7?

I thank you in advance for helping me stop the corruption with your vote.

Miami Commission Is Directly Responsible For Defund The Police When They Fail To Fund Based On Living Wage Increase Miami News Defund The Police

P.S. I was told there used to be a great neighborhood watch in the Grove. It seems to have disappeared during COVID-19, and the City’s Crime Presentation Specialist isn’t returning my calls. The current commissioner is weak and sits in silence while this goes on at her front doorstep and in her backyard.

P.S.S. Downtown residents at the 900 Building paid Sloppy Joe’s clean-up crew using James Torres a hefty $39,000 in the name of security.

P.S.S.S. Like Joe Carollo did in City Hall last week when Eddy Leal refused to hold an election for his HOA, an 86-year-old confronted him. He called the police on her!

If you’d like to know more about my conversations with the Chief of Police and how the Commission needs to address this urgent life safety issue, watch my town hall. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about the presentation.


For what it’s worth, I do believe Chairwoman King’s heart is in the right place and I think she would probably like to free herself of the criminals that ought not be come November 7th around 8pm. 

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